© R Dodds 2018. Written for the ZX81 community in celebration of the best ZX81 game ever, 3D Monster Maze by Malcolm Evans. Free for non commercial use. This is my version of 3D Monster Maze for the ZX81 but in Colour. It's for the 48k Spectrum from Paul Farrow's port of 3D Monster Maze for the ZX81 by Malcolm Evans Just unzip the zip file and load the snapshot '3DMaze in colour.sna' into your emulator or via your SD card if you use one. I hope you enjoy it 🙂 Also included is my short story "3d Monster Maze - A Short Story" which hopefully you find interesting and bring back those feelings when you first played the game!!​ My goals for this were simple:- 1 Keep original code intact as much as possible 2 Get rid of those jagged edges - make it higher res 3 Colour the walls and exit and anything else I can 4 Keep original gameplay I must thank Malcolm Evans for a truly iconic game we all love, David Saphier for his colour squares code, Matt Davies for his suggestions and for his brilliant NX emulator and assembler / disassembler (changing code on the fly is so easy with this!) and Paul Farrow for his original port to the Spectrum and his excellent disassembly of the original ZX81 code - I could not have done anything without that! Points to note:- 1 Sometimes REX is not shown on the map - just move till he's after you again and he re-appears. 2 I cant make the distance wall view blue and black because Mr Evans uses 2 half graphic characters which straddle the sky and floor, so background is still cyan and green! My assembler program is included, rough as it is, so you can see my poor programming skills! In defence, I am self taught! Cheers, dicky