Bored of the Rings (c) 1985 Silversoft Ltd ------------------------------------------ Your quest is split into 3 parts, with a password gained at the completion of one part allowing entry to the next. Parts 1 & 2 are on side A, part 3 and "Sceptical" are on side B. All programs are loaded with LOAD "" command and can be loaded by following the procedure detailed in chapter 20 of the Spectrum manual. The computer will accept commands in ordinary English such as "SHOOT SPAM WITH SHOTGUN", but allows you to shorten this to a simple verb + noun instruction like "SHOOT SPAM". The speech format is name + phrase, for example "GRANDALF GREETING O HAIRY ONE". Typing "INVENTORY" or "I" will list what Fordo is carrying. Game positions can be stored to and restored from tape using the commands "LOAD" and "SAVE". To end the game, type "QUIT". BORED OF THE RINGS was written by Furgus McNeill using among other things, the Quill and the Illustrator. Dedicated to "Judith and Mandy, the kindest hitch-hikers I know. ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Instructions typed in by Paul Thompson, April 2003