FIGHTING SOCCER =============== Battle against ten countries in this international Olympic tournament and slide tackle your opponents through five gruelling pounds of intense play. A fast and furious game of nerve, skill and challenge that will bounce right out of your monitor! Dribble, kick, shoot, head and foul your way to the Olympictrophy - in FIGHTING SOCCER... FIGHT TO WIN!! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS C64 cassette Insert the cassette in your data cassette. Hold down the SHIFT key and press RUN/STOP. C64 disc Insert the disc in the drive. Type LOAD "*",8,1 then press RETURN. C128 Type GO64 then press RETURN. Type Y when prompted followed by RETURN, then follow the appropriate C64 instructions. Spectrum casssette Insert cassette in your tape recorder and type LOAD"" then press ENTER. Press play on the tape recorder. Amstrad disc Inser the disc in the drive. Type RUN'DISC and press ENTER. Amstrad tape Press CTRL and the small ENTER key. Press play on cassette recorder. Atari ST Insert the disc in drive A and switch on the computer. Amiga Turn on the computer and wait for the WORKBENCH prompt, then insert the game disc. FIGHTING SOCCER A fast and furious game of nerve, skill and challenge that will bounce right out of your monitor! Battle against ten other countries in this international Olympic tournament and slide tackle your opponents through five gruelling rounds of intense play. Dribble, kick, shoot, head and foul your way to the Olympic trophy - in FIGHTING SOCCER ... FIGHT TO WIN!! ARROW MODE If keyboard mode is selected the arrow moves around the player showing in which direction you kick, that is, there is independant movement of the arrow. If joystick mode is selected, the arrow will automatically point in the direction of the player, and therefore the ball will be kicked in that direction. GAME CONTROLS SPECTRUM/AMSTRAD Sinclair IF/2 automatically scanned Kempston joystick scanned To select player controls Press ENTER/RETURN to define controls for each player, if KEYBOARD is selected, the user will be requested to define the game keys. If JOYSTICK 1 is used, the arrow rotate keys are Z/X and for JOYSTICK 2, the keys are N/M Kempston is V/B Pausing the game To pause while the game is being played, press ENTER/RETURN and you will then have to press ENTER/RETURN to continue or SPACE to quit. Sound FX/Music To toggle between sound fx and music, press BOTH SHIFT KEYS on the spectrum and F5 on the Amstrad LOADING DIFFICULTIES ... We are always seeking to improve the quality of our product range, and have developed high standards of quality control to bring you this product. If you experience any difficulties whilst loading, it is likely to be a fault other than the product itself. We therefore suggest that you switch your computer off and repeat the loading instructions carefully, checking that you are using the correct set of instructions for your computer and software. If you still have problems, consult the User handbook that accompanied your computer or consult your software dealer for advice. In the case of continued difficulty and you have checked all of your hardware for possible faults, may we suggest that you return the game to the place of purchase. Customer Enquiries/Technical Support 0734 310003 ACTIVISION UK LTD, Blake House, Manor Farm Road, Reading RG2 OJN CREDITS: © 1988 SNK CORP Coding, graphics and music by Sprytes Limited A Software Studios Production