GRAND PRIX TENNIS ================= All the atmosphere of Wimbtedon is captured in this exciting computer version of the game of Lawn Tennis. Join the ranks of the top professionals as you battle against a computer opponent in a fully accurate simulation of this most challenging game. You have total control of your shots and your style of play. You can choose to stay back and play perfect ground strokes, or move forward to dominate the net in a furious exchanoge of volleys. Will you be to lift the winner’s to the end of the match. Joystick or Keyboard One or Two Player Options. THE GAME New readers start here Tennis is played between two players, one on each side of a net, on a specialty marked out court. The ball is hit backwards and forwards over the net using the racket. The object is to prevent your opponent from being able to return the ball. The ball must bounce within the area of the court, and you may not play the ball after it has bounced a second time, though you may play the ball before it bounces. The last player to make a legitimate shot, that is one that bounces inside the court, wins the point. Play is started by a player serving; this is a special shot played from behind the baseline. The player taking the serve throws the ball into the air and hits it at the top of its flight. He must not touch any part of the court till after he has played the shot, though he may be in the air over the court. The serve must be played into the service box, the square marked out on the pitch near the net on the opposite side of the court. You have two attempts to get your serve right, though if your first serve is good, in that it got over the net and bounced in the correct place, but bad in that it left an easy shot, you are stuck with it. If the ball hits the net, but otherwise the serve is good that serve is not counted and a “let” is played. Play continues with the players playing the ball back and forth, which is called a rally. Style of play varies between players. You can either stay back and give yourself time to play the shot, but also giving your opponent time, or come forward to the net and play fast and furious volleys, taking the ball before it bounces, giving your opponent little time, but giving him the opportunity to put the ball past you. Shots vary from the normal forehand and backhand drives, playing the ball low over the net, to lobs, a long high shot useful for passing the player at the net but allowing him to smash, a strong overhead shot, if he reaches it. Play is divided up into games, scoring within a game. Serve alternate each game, and after every other game the players change ends. However, in the interests of playability, this simulation is always viewed from the end you are playing at. For arcane reasons dating back to Real Tennis, scoring goes 15, 30, 40, game; each step being one point. If the score reaches 40 all this is called deuce. You then need to score two more points to win, the first of these being called advantage; if your opponent wins the second point it returns to deuce. The first player to win six games wins the set, again, this has to be by a clear margin of two games, so if the score reaches five all, you would need to win the next two games to take the set seven-five. As you can see if both players hold their own service games, which they should, the set will be stalemated, so winning one of your opponent's serves is important. It is normal in major tournaments for there to be several matches where the set goes to double figures scores. Play is over three sets, with the first player to gain two or three the winner, with no provision for there having to be a lead of two; this is why there is no tie-break on the final set - there is enough tension as it is. Gameplay Joystick gives you eight-way control of your movement. This is your movement on the court, not movement on the screen, so pushing directly forward moves you towards the net, pulling back towards the baseline, etc. To take a shot, get your player into the right position, press fire, and select direction to choose the type of shot, and press fire to take it. Types of shot FOREHAND BACKHAND SMASH SMASH SMASH \ | / \ | / \|/ FOREHAND ---*--- BACKHAND /|\ / | \ / | \ FOREHAND LOB BACKHAND LOB LOB Service Press fire to throw the ball up, and press it again to time the shot. Keys Q | O -*- p | A Space to fire Loading Instructions Spectrum Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. The program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Mastertronic and may not be reproduced, stored hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Mastertronic. All rights reserved. © Mastertronic Limited 1987 Made in Great Britain Design Words & Pictures Ltd. London