PAINTBALL 2048 by PCNONOGames SYNOPSIS; Year 2048, the PaintBall competition continues to maintain the original bases. But in addition, in recent years new weapons and elements have been introduced, such as; Mines, missile launchers, keys, invulnerability shields and a service of sale of items through SCORES. So you will have to be skillful and intelligent to win. INSTRUCTIONS; The game is really designed to be played in 2 Players, which is where it keeps all its essence. But we have also added the option of 1 Player Survival mode, in case you want to play alone against the machine. Mode 2 Players (Complete Game); Select a Team, and together with your teammates you must get 5 points to win. To score points, you have to pick up the rival flag or kill all the members of the opposing team. To do this, you have different paint weapons, and other elements that you They will help to achieve it. In addition, you must manage the scores in the store to equip yourself as well as possible. Do not forget to use a strategy and coordinate your movements with your teammates, only then will you achieve victory. Mode 1 PLAYER (Survival); You will be alone against the rival team (the machine), and you will not have the option of catching a flag, you will have to kill EVERYONE !! Features; 2 & 1 Players 2 game modes: Full Version (2 Players) and Survival Version (1 Player) Several Weapons and Items selectable during the game. Purchasing Management through Scores. 5 different screens Several Independent Control Options. CONTROL TYPE; You can choose different types of control, independently among the Players. Being able to select between Keyboard, Kempston, Sinclair. Keyboards keys; Player 1 Q - Up A - Down W - left E - right Z - Shooting / Action D - Right item (Kempston, Sinclair) S - Item left (Kempston.Sinclair) Player 2 U - up J - down I - left O - right M - Shooting / Action L - Right item (Kempston, Sinclair) K - Item left (Kempston.Sinclair) CREDITS; To the entire PCNONOGames Team; Programation advance; Sergio thEpOpE (the great teacher), Graphics; Juan Jesús Ligero (J.J) Music; Sergio Vaquer (Beyker) Management and Programming; Antonio Román (Nono) Typography in the Game; Paul Vander Laan Cover illustration; Javier Díaz González and Matranet. Tester; Ana Rodríguez, Salvador Román, David Cano. Events and Merchandising: Salvador Román y Ana Rodriguez. Engine: AGD Mini by Allan Turvey and Jonathan Cauldwell modified by Sergio thEpOpE.   THANKS; Javi Ortiz (delmundodelspectrum), Arnau Jess, Rafa Vico, GreenWebSevilla, Ariel Endaraues and the entire Telegram group that are many! To the entire ZX-UN team, especially Antonio Villegas, Miguel Ángel (McLeod), Fernando Mosquera for developing the NONOCORE.