ParaZXland ========== A ZX Spectrum game by Massimiliano Arca (Cagliari, Italy), entirely coded in Boriel ZX Basic for the ByteManiacos Concurso Basic 2023. For further information e-mail: massimiliano dot arca at Tiscali dot it What ParaZXland is and what it is not ------------------------------------- ParaZXland is a computer game for the ZX Spectrum 48k and its clones. The distribution Includes the following files: pZXl.tap (the game in TAP format, with loader and intro screen) pZXl.z80 (the game in Z80 format, with intro screen) pZXl.tzx (the game in TZX format, with loader and intro screen) pZXl.txt (this text as plain unformatted TXT file) To put the game on an SD card, to run it on ZX Spectrum Next and clones, ZX-UNO and derivatives, or directly on a ZX Spectrum equipped with an SD card reader, only the TAP and TXT files are needed. The Story --------- In an unlikely mission, a volunteer parachutist has been chosen to save the world by dropping from an unstable helicopter onto a tiny island where the ultra-secret codes to save the world from destruction have been hidden. The island is protected by flying anti-grav bombs, which would kill our hero on contact. Strong oceanic winds also make the descent difficult. Our hero will have to take off from the helicopter, avoid explosions, contrast the wind, and finally land on the tiny island. In the unlikely event of success, the mission will be repeated, but with increased difficulty, more scaring types of bombs and – of course – more points! Thankfully, extra points are also distributed in the sky under the form of red hearts and additional lives are available on increasing the score: Score Event Points ----------------------------------------------- 0–10000 Descent increase +10 Heart collision +15 Landing +1000 10000–29999 Descent increase +30 Heart collision +50 Landing +2000 >30000 Descent increase +50 Heart collision +50 Landing +3000 • Extra life at 20000 and 50000 points. • After a successful landing the number of mines increases by 4. • Bomb types change at 10000 and 30000 points. The game -------- The opening screen allows to start a new game (option 0), re- define the keys (option 1; by default: "O" for left, "P" for right, "Q" for pause), enter a previous high score (option 2), view the instructions (option 3), turn the sound on and off (option 4), and enable a Kempston joystick (option 5; the combination of up and the fire button serves as a pause key). Distribution ------------ This game is completely free and can be unreservedly distributed, provided that it is not modified in any way and that the relevant files are accompanied by this text. Acknowledgements ---------------- José Rodriguez, aka Boriel, for the immense gift of ZX Basic to the community of ZX Spectrum enthusiasts; David Saphier aka em00k for setting up NextBuild; DuefectuCorp for the ZX Graphic Editor; Damien Guard aka damieng for the exterminate collection of fonts available on his web site. Final notes ----------- The short tunes in the game are copyright-free and royalty-free. They are freely inspired by Beethoven symphony no. 5 and the Cucaracha motif. Finally, the author guarantees that no parachutist has been harmed during the development of this game.