SNOOPY ====== Snoopy, Woodstock, Good ol' Charlie Brown, and the rest of the Peanuts gang are here at last on your home computer! Linus has lost his blanket! Whilst Linus' world seems about to end, you as Snoopy the world's favourite beagle set out to find the blanket . . . but its not that easy! Here is a full-blown adventure in 100% graphic form, like you've never played before! This game features superb cartoon-video simulation: you'll think you're interacting with an animated cartoon! When you want Snoopy to do something, just sit back and watch as the action is fully animated before your eyes! This is a game that is full of surprises and will keep even the most experienced game player coming back for just one-more-try months after you first play it. There's more than one solution too! So solve the game once and there's still much more to discover as you play the part of the intrepid beagle super-sleuth! LOADING THE GAME: C64 owners use 'SHIFT' & 'RUN/STOP'. Spectrum owners use LOAD"" or the Tape Loader option on the Plus2. Amstrad owners enter RUN". PLAYING THE GAME: Linus has lost his blanket. The world is ending for him! Linus is trying to be patient, though, and Snoopy has offered to try to find it for him. You control where Snoopy goes in this game, and what he does in his search for the missing blanket. This game is designed to be played with a joystick or keyboard. Key 'O' moves Snoopy left, 'P' is right, 'Q' allows him to jump, and press to pick things up. 'C' allows you to use an object or find out something about it if you are standing near something when you press the key. Press 'M' to move into the screen. You can only move in at the middle of a screen where you see a path. You can also control Snoopy going left and right in the usual manner with a joystick. Pushing the joystick up will cause Snoopy to jump up, and pulling it down will allow him to pick up the nearby object. If you want Snoopy to try to use the object he is carrying then press the 'fire' button on the joystick. If you press the fire button when Snoopy is not actually carrying something, but he is standing next to it, then he may tell you about it! You will have to use all the ingenuity at your disposal to find Linus' blanket. Many things you see around will have more than one use, so you'll have to experiment to discover the solutions! In fact to ensure that this is probably one of the most challenging games you've ever played, we've in fact hidden the blanket in at least two places! So solve this game once, and you've still got at least one more solution to discover. This game has a time limit of a 'real' 45 minutes. You can see the time by picking up the watch and using it. The game starts at 10am. You can also see your score by either going to the score board at the game field (look for it!), or by picking up the clipboard and using that - Snoopy will then tell you your score. If you want to try to give an object to one of the characters, then you'll have to drop it very near to the character in question. Good luck, Joe Cool! THANKS TO 'CONSULT' Peanuts Characters © 1958, 1965 United Features Syndicate Inc Game design/coding © 1989 The EDGE (Softek Inti Ltd) Thanks are due to John Sinfield and Katie Williams of PSL, Evelyn Ellison, Creative Associates, and of course, to Charles Schulz.