
24 июля 2023


20 августа 2023


Ремейк игры

The Sentinel


John Pitchers (Linux, macOS)

ViperfishGames (95)


John Pitchers


John Pitchers


Godot Engine


Pinnacle is a game of energy, entropy and in many ways the cycle of life itself. Harness the energy around you, use it wisely, conserve it. Like the tangible world around us, energy is perpetual. It is never destroyed, it just changes form.

Trees serve as the basic unit of energy. Absorb them from the scenery when you're able to do so. You can only assimilate objects if the square upon which they rest is visible to you.

Stack boulders, place a "synthoid" on top and teleport your consciousness into this new vessel. Reabsorb the shell and any boulders you left behind. Boulders are worth 2 energy units, a synthoid, 3.

When you find yourself caught in the Sentinel's gaze, it will leach away your life-force, scattering it across the terrain in the form of newborn trees. Move before it drains and kills you. Alternatively, hyperspace to a random location at the cost of 3 energy units and leaving your old vessel and any boulders behind.

When you have absorbed enough energy and gained enough altitude, absorb the Sentinel, claim its throne on the pinnacle and advance to the next world that awaits.

As your voyage takes you into more challenging worlds, you'll have to grapple with additional sentries. Equally formidable as the Sentinel, they rotate in the reverse direction. Maintain a watchful eye on them and strategise your approach accordingly.

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