Spectrum Adventure

Июль 2007





Matt Smith


Not a straight remake of a game as such, more a remake of a the text adventure genre, using a modern Windows interface(!). It combines the best elements of the two classics, Lords Of Time and Imagination.

Spectrum Adventure has had an overhaul for the re-release of the SUDS text adventure creator. You can now play the game entirely using a text interface. The player now has the full text interaction that you would for a text adventure game. However much of the traditional tedium is cut out by using the point and click interface that automates much of the action. If you traditionally hate text adventures, give this a try. You might like it. Perhaps :). To play the file, you will need the SUDS Player installed. This can be retrieved from http://www.sudslore.org/sudsdownload.php. Whilst you are at it, this will also download the adventure creator. You can then create your own adventures.


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