A clear promo of Parallaxian - a scrolling shooter for Commodore 64/TheC64 and Commodore 128

So, the programmer Jonathan Woods, also scandalously known among Commodore developers as Kodiak, after the failure of the Kickstarter campaign of his technological (and reminiscent of Defender) scrolling shooter Parallaxian, thought-thinking and decided to organize a promo page on his website for the game. There he clearly painted all the features and advantages of his idea, and even suggested three ways to support the project: 1) make Amazon-purchases with his promo-code; 2) order clothes with prints he thought up; or 3) just support Paypal-transfer (preferably monthly). As they say, be kind...

Наглядный промоушен Parallaxian — скролл-шутера для Сommodore 64/TheC64 и Commodore 128

Woods writes that he tried to avoid the game clichés and stereotypes common to a large number of modern retro projects. Therefore, you can not expect huge bosses and endless waves of enemies. Instead, the game will rather try to give a feeling of freedom of maneuver, making the right tactical decisions, reasonable consumption of resources. In addition, he admitted that he strove to achieve the elegance of graphics of 16-bit systems, and he succeeded. He especially liked the way the vertical scrolling effect on takeoffs and swift peaks turned out.

Our S-1000 Figment V has vertical takeoff and landing, it's lightweight, has an ion battery, a shield and a cannon. Unfortunately the battery charge is small and you have to constantly return to the landing sites to recharge. At the beginning of the game are available to choose from two world-levels, after the passage of which opens a couple more, and after them the fifth - the final.

For the correct display of non-standard colors you'll need a real PAL/NTSC TV, or you can switch on the CRT-mode in the emulator. For the VICE emulator this is done through the Video menu on the VIC II Renderer tab.

Both on the promo page and here you can watch the actual gameplay clip:


26 декабря 2020, 16:43

На самом деле выглядит круто.

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