The beautiful shooter-platformer Runn 'n' Gunn lands on the Commodore 64

Programmer Carlton Handley presents his new brainchild, the cute platformer shooter Runn 'n' Gunn for C64. Before that the comrade was making mostly puzzles or pure platformers, but here he was drawn to action. And not a bad pull!

The main characters Willamina "Willie" Rann and Wallace "Wally" Gunn were ordinary Marines. But one day an accident during a military experiment turned them into super soldiers. The incident was declared an accident and the victims were transferred to the special unit K.O.M.M.O.D.O.R. 64 (an acronym that can be roughly decoded as "Special Mission Team, Maximum Dangerous, Allowing Huge Destruction"). The number 64 in the name is there for a reason - there are only 64 fighters in the squad, the best of the best on the entire planet. It is this unit that is sent on missions to the most dangerous and remote corners of the galaxy to repel the alien threat.

The rookies are no exception - they are dropped off on the planet Bantaya. The life-form there cherishes insidious plans to attack Earth. Stop the local natives - that's the task for the real heroes, which Rann and Gunn (and with them the players) undoubtedly are. You'll have to do a lot of running, jumping and, of course, shooting to carry out the order.

Runn 'n' Gunn is available purchase from the official page for only $3. Status of the already released game, by the way, for some reason is still "In Development" - judging by comments Carlton on YouTube, he's already working on a "second mission" for this action.


5 марта 2021, 17:58


8 марта 2021, 12:40

Очень похоже на Space Monsters meet THE HARDY. К чему бы это?

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