Back in 1983, the company [T&E Soft](https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/T%26E_Soft), better known in the future for its Hydlide series of games (including the strange 3D Virtual Hydlide for Sega Saturn), released the wonderful arcade Pyramid Warp, whose hero briskly expropriated the treasures of Ancient Egypt's pyramids, maneuvering between dangerous Monsters (snakes, scorpions, mummies and bats) in 16 rooms-levels and carefully avoiding getting stuck in a dead-end situation. Those of you who remember this fun game will be interested to know that as recently as June its improved version Pyramid Warp Enhanced+ was released, which received a significant amount of tweaks from members of the MSX retro community.
According to news on MSX.ORG this update not only adds new graphics, new music, smoother gameplay and an overall improved look of the game, but more than that - the team from Bitcaffe, Nenefranz and Nestruo completely disassembled the original game and reworked the source code to modern standards, putting all the results to open access on GitHub.
Compare screenshots of the original game and the new improved version:
You can play the improved version online or by downloading from Perfect Pixel.
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