Domestic game Marsmare: Alienation is released on Kickstarter

The "Drunken Fly" studio that created the wonderful metroidvania Marsmare: Alienation that won the Yandex Retro Games Battle 2020 contest has launched a fundraising campaign for the so-called "Extended Edition" on "Kickstarter".

The developers put essentially three things into this concept:

  1. An addition to the game with 70 new screens located on the moon. New game mechanics, new enemies and other additional content are promised.

  2. Version for ZX Spectrum Next computer (or its clone) with improved graphics + based on it versions for Windows, Linux and macOS (without DRM protection).

  3. Physical edition on cassette or SD-card - depending on version.

By the way, on Next the game will look like this:

The company needed to raise a modest €1,000 to be successful, but in a few days fans of the game have already poured in €5,000. Thanks to this, one of the additional goals (€ 4,000) was reached, and now Marsmare: Alienation will get two additional difficulty levels - "Difficult" and "Impossible".

But there are a few more curious targets: € 7000 (the game will add a special level a la scrolling shooter), € 10 000 (the Next-version will get a mode with randomly generated levels), € 13 000 (the Next-version will get two-player desmatch levels) and € 16 000 (both versions will have a third huge location on the Earth).

Domestic game Marsmare: Alienation is out on Kickstarter

Support the project right now for an amount starting at €5 - for that money you'll get digital copies of versions for 128K, Next and PC.

The simplest physical edition on cassette (128K) or SD-card (Next) costs already €16, the double set is available with a small discount (€28), the standard edition with booklet, poster and stickers costs €29 (if you want both versions, then €45), the Collector's Edition with a nice alien figurine is priced by the developers at €99 (any version) or €115 (both versions), and if you want a personal mention in the game on the splash screen you'll have to pay €499.

The digital release of the "Extended Edition" is scheduled for June 2021 and the physical edition should be available in July. Here's the kickstarter campaign trailer:


3 февраля 2021, 17:44

Чума, парни :)


4 февраля 2021, 03:15

Благодарю за новость, поддержал разработчиков!:)

7 февраля 2021, 22:35

авторы явно черпали вдохновение из старого мегахита Rex от игроделов Martech Games

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