Jet Set Willy II

Альтернативные названия
  • Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier
  • Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier!
Arcade Game


Derrick P. Rowson, Roger Tissyman


Software Projects Ltd, Ricochet, Dro Soft


Whilst recovering in hospital from a severe fall down some stairs, Willy called in the builders. He thought it odd that they had green skin, but needing the work done in a hurry he asked them to remove the offending edges from his stairs. Trouble was, they did far more work than asked, adding several rooms to his mansion and then refusing to charge him!!

Maria is demanding that Willy clears up the mess and he hasn't even found all the rooms yet. Who were these strange people? Why did they need to add a Rocket Room to Willy's already substantial house?

Much patience and stamina is required to explore the extended house and NASA's "Guide to Simple Space Travel" is recommended reading for those foolhardy enough to help Willy clear up the mess. Be careful in the sewers and watch out for the bell ringer in the Belfry!! Good Luck!!

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