In development: Miky's Land - Super Mario Bros. wannabe platformer for Amiga

Programmer Michael Gibbs decided to make for Amiga a platformer called Miky's Land - a sort of mixture of Super Mario Bros. and Wonder Boy, but with a simpler, albeit very bright graphics.

The main character here not only runs on level, collecting apples and dodging enemies, but also shoots at these enemies from some kind of weapon. In addition to color, the game can be praised for smooth scrolling - in the YouTube-clip this is not visible, but the author claims 50 fps, and there is no reason not to believe it.

Strictly speaking, Michael himself calls his offspring not a game, but a "game engine" - either modest, or really just works out some technical moments on such a simple gameplay. Rather still modest. In any case, we didn't heard a word about Miky's Land time of release.


27 мая 2017, 14:08

Она еще и "скролл-шутер", судя по видео:)

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