Electrobots - new platformer for BBC Micro

Modern fans of BBC Micro - once very popular computer in Britain - are less lucky than fans of ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. New games for that system come out much less frequently, so you have to make do with the old hits (e.g. Elite). Luckily the BBC scene is not entirely without new games, and the platformer Electrobots by the guy with the wonderful nickname 0xC0DE is one of them.

The game takes place in the year 4096. Three Electrobots are searching the planet Terranova for 10 ancient objects. Along the way you have to collect gold, because what's a treasure hunt without an aurum? The natives are trying to interfere with the Electrobots, but they will be dealt with. After the search is over, you must get to the portal and teleport away from this unfriendly planet.

You can download Electrobots from GitHub or from "Perfect Pixel", and then run it in your favorite emulator (although there aren't many). By the way, the game will work not only on the BBC Micro, but also on the BBC Master and Acorn Electron (the improved and budget versions of the BBC Micro, respectively). Alternatively, you can play Electrobots in online emulator JSBeep: choose From examples or local in the Discs menu, then load the downloaded SSD-file and press Shift and Break (usually F12). Another option is to just type *EXEC !BOOT.


20 марта 2021, 23:56

Кстати, 2 ^ 12 = 4096, они же роботы =)

21 марта 2021, 21:03

Где видео?

как оценить шедевр


22 марта 2021, 13:21

№2. Yuri Potapov

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