Bullet Storm - scrolling shooter for Yandex Retro Games Battle 2020 without scrolling

Bullet Storm — скролл-шутер без скроллинга для конкурса Yandex Retro Games Battle 2020

And here is the first international application for the Yandex Retro Games Battle 2020 competition - "horizontal scrolling shooter without scrolling" called Bullet Storm from the Spanish author VolatiL.

For development, the author used popular AGD engine and promises to compensate for the lack of scrolling with a bunch of action and a pinch of strategy. To pass the level, you need to deal with all the enemy ships on the screen, without wasting ammunition and carefully using power ups. Of course, the gameplay will not do without the final bosses, and to move to the next world you need to defeat three powerful enemies.

Bullet Storm also has a simple plot - the events unfold in 1984, when the Martians attack the Earth. Of course, the burden of responsibility for saving our world lies on your shoulders, and you will have to fight with aliens on Earth, in space and on Mars.

Composer Mr. Rancio, graphic artist Errazkin (he drew the splash screen), as well as several beta testers (GreenWeb Sevilla, Eddie Newpin and Antxico) are helping VolatiL with the game. Here is a small video with the gameplay:


6 октября 2020, 22:36

Скролл-шутер без скроллинга — это как файтинг без мордобоя, только скролл-шутер.

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