Meet the new version of Boulder Dash - monochrome and complicated.

And here's another game created especially for the ASM 2021 contest from the Bytemaniacos website, an arcade puzzle game Boulder Dash by Oleg N. Cher.

Despite its completely identical title to the legendary bestseller, this version of "Boulder Dash" (forgive us such a free translation) differs from the original with more puzzles and slightly modified rules. For example, the stones can be dragged upward, and you can also shove a few at a time, as long as there are no diamonds among them. Otherwise the idea is the same - in each level you have to gather all the diamonds, not to fall into the clutches of the enemies and not to get hit in the head with something heavy.

Screens here are not very large, but more complicated than in the good old Boulder Dash, and also have the opportunity to change the color image and the background with the keys "1" and "2". By the way, Oleg is thinking about a version for ZX Spectrum 48K (the current one, according to the contest rules should work with 16 Kbytes of RAM), because it can hold much more mazes!

Download the novelty from contest page or from "Perfect Pixel": here is the game itself, and here are its source code.


29 мая 2021, 12:40

Название, мне кажется, у игры, всё-таки, Bolder Dash (без U).

29 мая 2021, 18:55

29 мая 2021, 19:42

№2. Сергей Алексеев

Оригинальная игра, конечно, называется Boulder Dash.

А эта везде (и в самой игре) подписана как Bolder Dash.

30 мая 2021, 20:01

№1. Slash Net

Да, точно! Спасибо, пофиксил.

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