MSX • Amstrad CPC • Oric-1 • PMD 85
Windows • DOS • Linux • Nintendo 64 • PlayStation • Game Boy Advance • TRS-80 Color Computer • Commodore 128 • ZX81 • Macintosh • Neo Geo Pocket Color • Acorn Archimedes • Acorn Atom • Cambridge Z88 • HP 48 • Orao
Miner Willy, while prospecting down Surbiton way, stumbles upon an ancient, long forgotten mine-shaft. On further exploration, he finds evidence of a lost civilisation far superior to our own, which used automatons to dig beep into the Earth's core to supply the essential raw materials for their advanced industry. After centuries of peace and prosperity, the civilisation was torn apart by war, and lapsed into a long dark age, abandoning their industry and machines. Nobody, however, thought to tell the mine robots to stop working, and through countless aeons they had steadily accumulated a hugh stockpile of valuable metals and minerals, and Miner Willy realises that he now has the opportunity to make his fortune by finding the underground store. Can YOU take the challenge and guide Willy through the undergraound caverns to the surface and riches. In order to move to the next chamber, you must collect all the flashing keys in the room while avoiding nasties like POISONOUS PANSIES and SPIDERS and SLIME and worst of all, MANIC MINING ROBOTS. When you have all the keys, you can enter the portal which will now be flashing. The game ends when you have been 'got' or fallen heavily three times.
Matthew Smith, Roger Tissyman (ZX)
Bug-Byte Software Ltd, EDOS, Mastertronic Added Dimension, Software Projects Ltd, Ventamatic (ZX)
Мэттью Смит (ZX)
Мэттью Смит (ZX)
http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0003012 (ZX)
Мэттью Смит (ZX)
Manic Destruction (2023)
Manic Miner 2000 (2002)
Manic Miner PC (1998)
Manic Pietro (2019)
Multiplayer Manic Miner (2021)
Willys Miner Nightmare (2006)
Анонсирован The Spectrum — современный вариант легендарного компьютера
Платформеру Manic Miner вернули уровни с Sam Coupé
Вышла Manic Miner: The Lost Levels с официальными уровнями, которых не было ZX Spectrum
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Платформер Manic Miner портирован на Apple II
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Manic Miner 64DX — маньячный шахтёр вернулся на Commodore 64
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Manic Pietro — нечто большее, чем просто мультиколорный ремейк Manic Miner
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В разработке большой сборник 3D-ремейков игр для ZX Spectrum
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Atari ST получила свою версию Manic Miner
Manic Mixup — переделанная и ускоренная версия легендарной игры
Ремейк Manic Miner обзавёлся названием и кучей красивых скриншотов
Ремейк Manic Miner — первый участник конкурса ZX Dev MIA - Remakes
Thoroughly Modern Willy — сокращённая, но усложнённая версия Manic Miner
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Jet Set Mixup и Jet Set Mini — две новые переделки знаменитой игры
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